Town Quay – Planning Approval

By HGP Administrator

Planning Permission for Town Quay, Southampton! A landmark approval with burgeoning impact to the city’s marina and skyline, not to mention a fantastic addition to our waterfront portfolio.

Designed for the Nicolas James Group, Southampton City Council Planning Committee granted approval earlier this week for the major regeneration proposal of Town Quay Marina that will provide a world class, contemporary waterfront destination with new publicly accessible landscape spaces, including boardwalks, plazas and viewing spots.

Our design for a collection of 4 residential apartment towers provides 460 apartments and approximately 2,750sqm of commercial space at the lower levels. The 128 bed, five-star luxury hotel, with spa, conference, destination restaurant and bar facilities creates a striking end to the pier providing numerous opportunities for breathtaking panoramic views of the city and The Solent.

As part of the scheme some 12,000sqm of reclaimed land unlocks areas of the waterfront that were previously inaccessible to the public as well as providing a new 300 berth marina and new Red Jet Ferry terminal and parking.

We think the design team have done an amazing job!