ISO 14001 Accreditation

By HGP Administrator

We got on and quietly just did it, but we thought you would like to know…we are ISO 14001 accredited, in recognition of our environmental management systems!

As architects, we are very aware of our impact on the environment. We work tirelessly to improve our relationship with the planet through our designs, but also through our daily work in the office environment.

ISO 14001 is used by organisations around the world to demonstrate a systematic approach to continual improvement. The standard requires an organisation to demonstrate it understands its environmental impacts, its stakeholders’ needs and an organisation-wide approach to managing environmental performance.

At HGP, we are not only focusing on environmental systems but also building a strong, eco-friendly culture whilst proving our commitment to the environment.

We plan to keep this momentum going, stay updated with progress, and keep improving….perhaps BIM next! Watch this space.