Employee Spotlight – Matt Brown

One of our highly valued Architectural Technologists and one of our many Matthews(!), Matt Brown, has not long ago celebrated his 10th year at HGP. This is a great achievement so we wanted to not only recognise this achievement by congratulating Matt but by also delving deeper into what makes someone like Matt, remain at HGP to reach such a milestone.

You have recently just marked your 10 year milestone at HGP – How did that feel and what has made you stay so long?
Its nice to get recognition for the work you put into the projects. Some people say they move around from place to place to get a variety of work, but I’ve been fortunate enough to work at HGP in a few different teams throughout the years, working on various projects. It’s not just about the variety of work, it’s the work environment and team around you. The team we have at the moment have really clicked, with everyone willing to help out others when needed.
What has been your favourite project to be involved in at HGP?
I know it’s one of the very first projects I worked on but Admirals Quay has to be my favourite project.
What has been your best or proudest moment at HGP?
The completion of Sherborne Wharf, although technically it’s still on site finishing off the refurb to Psonex House.

What has been the biggest change in HGP since you’ve been working here?
The biggest change by far would have to be the company rebranding.
What are 3 words to best describe your time at HGP?
Educational (at times this has been more than purely architectural, as is often the case when you have a great team!), ArchiCAD and … Coordination!
What do you like most about working in Architecture?
Pulling all the technical parts together and seeing what’s been drawn become a reality.
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
I’d love to spend a day in as an F1 driver, even if I was the slowest on the track!

Where’s your favourite place in the world?
I’m not well travelled and I know its pretty much built for tourism, but of the places I’ve been it would have to be Port El Kantaoui, Tunisia.
What is the one thing you can’t live without?
Not including my wife and kids, I would have to say chocolate although if you asked my wife she’d probably tell you my Xbox!
What would be your Mr Men/ Little Miss character to best describe your own character?
Its probably a combination of Mr Grumpy and Mr Forgetful! (We think you may be a little hard on yourself, Matt!)